Sports and Remedial Massage – Soft Tissue Therapy

Good for:

  • Soft tissue strains, sprains and general tension
  • Post injury / post-operative recovery and rehabilitation
  • Postural issues e.g. poor posture at desk
  • Improving range of movement
  • Managing pain / discomfort caused by a variety of conditions, e.g.:
  • Sciatic symptoms
  • Back problems, e.g. herniated disc or scoliosis
  • Repetitive strain injury
  • Tendinitis, e.g. tennis and golfer’s elbow
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Plantar fasciitis
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Not just for sporty people

I prefer the terms ‘remedial massage’ or ‘soft tissue therapy’ to ‘sports massage’, because the latter implies I just treat sporty people.  Yes, I treat a lot of people who exercise, but this type of therapy is also good in many other instances, from post-injury or operation recovery, to tackling minor strains or tension caused by lifestyle or work. 


This treatment requires in-depth anatomy and physiology knowledge and involves range of movement, orthopaedic and muscle tests where necessary to inform the treatment.  The massage element basically consists of deep tissue techniques, plus some others such as myofascial release.  In addition, I use a range of other techniques that help to target problem areas, particularly various types of stretches to stretch and relax muscles, help release fibrotic tissues and help improve posture.  These stretches each have a slightly different approach, often involving the neurological receptors in the muscles.  I also use trigger point / neuromuscular technique on specific areas of tension, and this involves holding a point for up to a minute until the discomfort subsides.  Joint mobilization is also a useful tool for both assessing and improving range of motion.

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Homecare Advice

Homecare advice is an important part of the holistic care of the patient.  This could include a wide range of suggestions, from types of stretching and strengthening, to breathing techniques.  I help to make people more aware of their posture and technique in various activities, so that they can try and correct certain imbalances and hence prevent future issues.  Massage in general helps you to become more aware of your body and how you use it.

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